What the guru’s think about the current plastic prototyping landscape.
Plastic prototyping is more common and accessible than ever before. More people have learned and are currently equipping themselves with the skills required to excel in an ever-changing plastic prototyping industry.
From ordinary enthusiasts to seasoned professionals, an entire field of endeavor has been built around people that share a common ideology: a will to break bounds and expand the horizons of cutting-edge plastic prototyping theory and practice.
From the Idea conceptualization state to the production of the final prototype, plastic prototypes manufacturing can be an exciting field of endeavor. Don’t only take my word for it however, here are some references and insights about the plastic prototyping business from seasoned shops, companies, and practices.
According to entrepreneur.com, “One of the essential early steps in the inventing process of plastic goods is creating a prototype–which, simply defined, is a three-dimensional version of your vision. Creating a plastic prototype can also be one of the most fun and rewarding steps you’ll take. That’s because developing a prototype gives you the opportunity to really tap into your creativity, using those skills that inspired your invention idea in the first place. And whether you’re making your prototype at home or hiring the services of an engineer, seamstress or machinist, it’s truly exciting to see your idea transformed into something tangible and real.
Speaking further on the matter, Entrepreneur.com says;
“So what exactly should a prototype look like? First, it depends on your idea. Second, it depends on your budget and your goals. If possible, it’s great to start with a handmade prototype, no matter how rudimentary. For example, I have seen prototypes made from the simplest of household items: socks, diaper tabs, household glue, empty milk containers–you name it. If it works for the initial demonstration purposes, it’s as good as the most expensive materials.”
To summarize the above text, entrepreneur.com points out the profound feeling of accomplishment and resourcefulness as well as skill that comes with completing a stellar plastic prototyping project. The website, in the passage, also gives us a rough idea of the various things that constitute a prototype – how it should look, feel, and function.
According to 3erp.com, there are certain traits that define a prototype. The website states that:
1. It allows designers to test the design and functionality of their proposed product:Every idea works flawlessly in theory. It is not until designers begin to create that cracks begin to manifest in the metaphorical walls – meaning flaws in the design thinking. This is why why another great reason to develop a prototype is to test the functionality of the idea. One never knows the design issues and challenges until efforts are directed towards transforming mental ideas into concrete products.
2. It makes it possible for designers to test the performance of various materials: Many designers have been there. The design prototype might seem perfect with a particular material but following prototype fabrication, reveal functional drawbacks in the selected material. For example, a designer has their mind set on using Nylon as the material of choice for a particular project. But, following proper prototyping work, it may then become obvious that other materials would have been better suited for the job.
3. It helps describe a product more effectively to potential investors and stakeholders: A crisp, stellar prototype makes it so that a new product pretty much pitches itself. It then becomes easier to convince relevant stakeholders including attorneys, packaging or marketing experts, engineers and potential business partners.
4. It solidifies a designer’s reputation in the industry:A prototype helps any inventor, designer, or design company establish a strong reputation among contemporaries. A niche like this is built on goodwill, respect, and pedigree. Establishing a record of accomplishment of excellence in design and prototype quality sets one design shop apart from others.
There you have it, a brief look into the opinions of various plastic prototyping stakeholders. It truly is a dynamic industry, full of rewarding high in the midst of cascading lows. Skill and tenacity are the currencies with which success in the industry is bought – and in order for a prototyping professional to last long in this field of endeavor, these traits have to be available in droves.