How To Help Your Dog With His Otitis
Otitis is the inflammation of a part of the ear (called the epithelium, the area covering the ear canal). When you face otitis in dogs, a narrowing of the epithelium occurs, generating an environment in which different microorganisms take advantage to develop. The otitis in dogs is a common annoying and painful infection (by the way, a natural dog ear spray could help with the pain).
Different causes can generate this infection. It could be determined that there are three main reasons why a dog can have otitis: by triggering factors (such as allergies, mites, foreign bodies), perpetuating factors (Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Malassezia presenting particles in the ear of yellowish or brown color, with horrible smell) or predisposing factors (long and narrow ear canal, significant and fallen ears, with much hair and with little ventilation).
Some symptoms can give you clues about whether your dog is suffering from otitis. Here’s a list of the main signs that should keep you on your toes:
- Itching and desire to scratch (pruritus)
- Shakes
- The tilt of the head
- Frequent scratching
- Pain
- Alterations of the usual behavior
- Bad smell or secretions from the ear canal
If you observe any of these symptoms in your dog, you must take him to the vet for a proper examination. Not only to detect otitis in dogs but also to rule out other types of otitis related conditions.
Possible complications of otitis
One of the complications of otitis in dogs is otohematoma or circular hematoma. This is a blood clump in the ear that causes your dog to scratch intensely or move his head very abruptly. In this case, the treatment is surgical.
It is also possible that common otitis develops chronically due to ineffective treatment or lack of consistency in treatment. That is why we insist that if you are consistent with the treatment, you will avoid complications.
What is the treatment to follow in the case of otitis in dogs?
As soon as you detect that your dog may have some of the symptoms of otitis, go to the vet so that he can make a correct exploration and diagnosis. Next, the professional will study how to eradicate the primary cause and how to alleviate the symptoms. The treatment can include cleaning the ears, applying drops in the form of an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory, a dog ear spray, changes in the diet, etc.
How can you prevent your dog from getting otitis?
If your dog has a predisposition to suffer from otitis, it isn’t easy to prevent it. Precisely because your dog is so easily infected, you must take into account some of these tips:
Prevention related to hygiene
It is vital to avoid humidity in the area inside the ears, especially in animals biologically predisposed to various microorganisms inhabiting this area of their body.
Another action you can take to prevent otitis in your dog is the periodic revision of its auricular pavilion and cleaning. However, do not use earbuds because the result could be counterproductive. It would be best if you used cleaners indicated for the cleaning of the ears of the dogs.
Food-related prevention
A good diet is fundamental. Atopic skins, allergies, or intolerances can cause otitis, and if you maintain a correct, healthy, and balanced diet, you will be avoiding otitis in your dog to a great extent.