Tummy Tuck: Proven Remedy for Unwanted Fat and Excess Skin

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Stubborn fat pockets and excess skin can alter your body shape and goals. If your exercise and dietary plans come short, you may need to think about modern methods like those that tummy tucks. Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute hosts a team of board-certified Tummy tuck doctors serving Cleveland, Ohio. If you need to get rid of excess skin and stubborn fat pockets, call the practice to book an appointment with Dr. Leedy to achieve your body goals.

What is a Tummy Tuck?

After an endless battle to get rid of excess skin and fat from your abdominal area, you may opt for more practical measures. Abdominoplasty is an advanced procedure that removes stubborn fat pockets and excess skin from the belly region. The procedure effectively contours your abdomen’s lower and upper parts to help you achieve long-term body goals.

A tummy tuck is a proven solution for men and women that need to shed extra weight or skin. Viable patients include men and women that have lost massive weight, a woman that has gained belly fat after multiple pregnancies, one with excess skin and fat due to genetic predisposition.

Dr. Leedy considers your body goals, physique, and health conditions to determine the best approach. Dr. Leedy performs an abdominoplasty on the lower abdomen and parts surrounding your belly button in case of a mini tummy tuck.

What Should I Expect During a Tummy Tuck?

The surgical procedure helps you eliminate excess and unwanted fat deposits and extra layers of skin in your abdominal area. Dr. Leedy ensures your comfort by giving you general anesthesia.

Dr. Leedy begins your surgery by making an incision in the parts around your belly button and lower abdomen. He uses advanced equipment to bring abdomen muscles together and hold them in place to create a flat midsection defining your waist.

Dr. Leedy proceeds to remove excess fats and trim your skin to sit smooth and firm against the abdomen before closing up the incisions and applying a dressing. You are allowed to go back home within a few hours as most tummy tuck procedures are conducted on an outpatient basis.

Most tummy tuck procedures are completed in about three hours. If you need a mini tummy tuck, Dr. Leedy may use a single incision to deliver optimal procedures for one with laxity in the lower abdomen and belly button region.

After a Tummy Tuck

After your tummy tuck procedure, the treatment regions can get sores and swellings that disappear after a few days. Dr. Leedy may recommend short walks to reduce the risk of blood clots and over-the-counter medication to relieve you of pain.

You can return to work in two or three weeks, even though you are asked to refrain from heavy lifting and strenuous activities until seven weeks after your tummy tuck. Your results are highly effective, long-term results, and maintain your body goals.

Bottom Line

Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute offers tummy tucks to help you eliminate excess fat and skin if diet and exercise fail. Dr. Leedy considers your weight and body goals to draft you a fully personalized treatment plan. Visit Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute online or call to book an appointment for a tummy tuck procedure.

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